Perry, all of your links lead to the website of a christian apologist. I don't trust the claims and reasoning of christian apologists. They exaggerate, twist, and misrepresent the facts, all in an effort to support their preconceived religious ideology. They are not really interested in truth. They're only interested in confirming their preconceived religious biases and cherry pick and twist information to that end while ignoring and denying all evidence to the contrary. I've seen them do this with the subject of evolution vs creation. Look, the third link you posted highlights the utter folly and dishonesty of christian apologists for it reads:
"The Overwhelming Empirical Evidence for Jesus Death and Resurrection"
Overwhelming empirical evidence, Perry? Really? Bogus claims like these are why I know that christian apologists are dishonest people who don't deserve to have any of their claims and statements taken seriously.